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A Chuch is a business

A church is a business. Our product is salvation. Our sales associates are Christians. The sales associates are paid in blessings. We are giving away our product. It was given to everyone when Jesus Christ shed his blood on Calvary. Our customers are sinners. All we really need is for our customers to ask for God for the free gift. If they do not take the free gift, they go to HELL for eternity. If sinners accept the gift, which is life eternal, they will reign with Jesus Christ in Heaven.

Did you know a large group of associates once got together and wanted to start charging for the product? They could not agree on the price. But, the lowest price any of them could come up with was more than any of them could afford. They knew no one that would be able to afford the price. Even if every one in the world pooled their money they would still only have a fraction of the down payment. They finally realized only one person could pay the price and he had already paid it with his life when he died on the cross. They could not charge cash for something that was already paid for on credit.

God is a very good manager, one of the best I have ever met. Did you know that if he has a store (church) that is moving more of his product he adds more associates? Did you know he relocates his associates when one of his stores stops selling his product? He loves for you to sell his product. He chastises his associates that fail to push his product with hardships. He expands the stores that have large numbers of associates. Some people fault him because he has more associates in his stores than customers. I think that is not his fault. His associates fail to promote the store and the product.

Did you know a large group of the associates in the stores are part time employees? Most leave the store and just stop selling the product! Most managers would fire the ineffective sales associates. NOT God! He rains down hardships in their life. There are some full time associates they are constantly selling the product. They do not stop selling when they leave the store.

Please be advised our store is normally only open on Sundays and Wednesdays. Our busiest shopping days is Christmas and Easter. You don’t have to go to the store to get the product. It is available anywhere, get down on your knees and you will probably find it if you search hard enough. Most associates got their product on their knees in the store. Some have received it miles from a store. Some were standing when they accepted the give. I can not tell you where you will find the product, but if you go to the store it is on sale.

                                                                                                        By Dan Hammock

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